VRZ-5918 Serverless: The Future of the Cloud?! | Devoxx

Serverless: The Future of the Cloud?!


cloud Cloud, Containers & Infrastructure

Room 4

Wednesday from 4:30 PM til 5:20 PM

Are you still using Docker in production? Get over it! Serverless is the NEW future of the Cloud. But since the Cloud is still someone else's computer, that needs to be managed too. And if it is sitting idle, you probably have to pay for it whether you like it or not. No server can be more easily managed than no server. Therefore: meet Serverless, a new paradigm that truly approaches the Pay-as-You-Go philosophy once promised by the Cloud.

This talk explores Serverless, its impact on existing architectures, and assesses it's usability for Mobile Back-ends as a Service (MBaaS), Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) and also for Microservices based architectures hosted in the cloud. Internet connectivity permitting, there will be demos too.

 serverless    Cloud.    architecture  
Bert Ertman Bert Ertman

Fellow, and Director of Technology Outreach at Luminis. A frequent speaker on Java, Cloud, and software architecture all over the world. Book author, and serial conference organizer. Bert Ertman was awarded the coveted title of Java Champion in 2008, and is a JavaOne RockStar speaker and Duke’s Choice award winner.