Christian Merkwirth
Christian Merkwirth is a Machine Learning Architect and Backend Engineer with Luxoft working for NAUTO. Prior to this, he worked on various projects in Google, including the Google Accelerated Science (GAS) team. Christian’s interest in Statistics, Machine Learning, and Dynamical Systems began 20 years ago when working on his PhD in Nonlinear Physics. His expertise combines various fields of advanced numerical methods, including Statistical Learning, Time Series Forecasting and High Performance Computing. Putting those approaches into practical use is a main motivation for Christian.

Improving safety in real world driving and transportation with Big Data and Internet of Things
In this lecture, we give some insights how Nauto, a Palo Alto based startup, solves the challenges of building an IoT platform collecting and processing data from thousands of connected devices collecting data from within cars and other types of vehicles. We describe how Nauto utilizes these visual and sensor data streams by using a combination of on-device and cloud-based Deep Learning approaches to make driving safer and fleets smarter.