Marcin Zajączkowski
From Pragmatic Coders & Codearte
Areas of expertise: ✔ Automatic Testing / TDD ✔ Software Craftsmanship / Code Quality ✔ Continuous Delivery ✔ Concurrency / Reactive Systems

Spock vs JUnit 5 - Clash of the Titans
Spock was a game changer for all the people struggling with unit testing in JUnit 4. Compact syntax, parameterized tests or flexibility to mention just a few advantages. Over 10 years after JUnit 4.0, the brand new, written from scratch, Java 8 optimized Junit 5 has been released. Is it still worth to write tests in Spock?
During my presentation I will compare selected areas of Spock and JUnit 5 to give you an overview how the situation looks like in 2018. I will try to answer the question if its time for Spock to fade into oblivion or maybe quite the opposite it is still light years ahead of JUnit 5.