Wojtek Erbetowski | Devoxx

Wojtek Erbetowski
Wojtek Erbetowski Twitter

Wojtek is a generalist with a wide spectrum of interests. He’s core background is full-stack development and leading tech teams.

He spent a decade coding in a variety of languages (mostly in JVM, Python, Node.js). He was leading teams of developers, designers and testers as a Head of Engineering at Polidea and CTO at Growbots.

Wojtek was building many tech communities, e.g. Warsaw JUG, Mobile Warsaw, PyWaw Summit, Mobile Central Europe, Warsjawa and HackWAW.

Currently, he is an Expert Software Engineer at Codility and a trainer at Bottega.

Blog: http://erbetowski.pl

architecture Architecture

Docs in the self-documenting world


Most of the teams are still in a never-ending quest for the documentation sweet spot. The place that you don’t have spend too much time maintaining it, yet it brings a lot of value and is up to date.

For some the starting point was from agile manifesto or software craftsmanship misunderstanding, which is not-documenting at all. Others decided to build a comprehensive documentation, soon to discover it is a challenge to keep it up with the reality (which is the code).

There is a better way to build a good Developer Experience. I will share several options, that you may take advantage of, including:

  • partially executable documentation without (non-docstring)
  • human- and machine-readable HTTP API documentation
  • automated tests as documentation