PQY-2725 Java EE microservices with Thorntail and OpenShift | Devoxx

Java EE microservices with Thorntail and OpenShift

Hands-on Labs

cloud Cloud, Containers & Infrastructure

Lab Room B

Thursday from 9:00 AM til 12:00 PM

You are a developer with Java EE experience who is considering implementing microservices architecture? This talk is for you. I am going to introduce you to the number of tools that will enable you to build microservices using proven Jave EE technologies. You are going to learn how to build microservices using Thorntail and how to deploy them in the cloud with OpenShift. This talk will complement your knowledge with practical information which you can immediately use in your applications.

Tools necessary to run the examples: JDK, Maven, Minishift v1.17.0 - https://github.com/minishift/minishift/releases, Openshift Client - https://github.com/openshift/origin/releases/download/v3.9.0/openshift-origin-client-tools-v3.9.0-191fece-linux-64bit.tar.gz

 Cloud.    MicroServices    WildFly Swarm    Red Hat OpenShift    KeyCloak  
Tomasz Adamski Tomasz Adamski

I'm software developer at RedHat. I work on WildFly application server.