XAS-3613 Lost in transaction? Strategies to deal with (in-)consistency in modern architectures. | Devoxx

Lost in transaction? Strategies to deal with (in-)consistency in modern architectures.


ssj Server Side Java

Room 1

Thursday from 2:30 PM til 3:20 PM

You probably work on a distributed system. Even if you don't yet face a serverless microservice architecture using fancy NoSQL databases, you might simply call some remote services via REST or SOAP. Welcome to a world without ACID transactions which leaves you in charge of dealing with difficult problems yourself e.g. eventual consistency, distributed transactions, compensation or message delivery semantics like "exactly-once". In this talk, I’ll briefly describe why this will become the new normal and which challenges arise for us as developers. I will discuss strategies to deal with it and present real-life experiences, recipes, patterns and frameworks. Expect fun little live hacking sessions with Open Source components like Spring, Hystrix, Kafka and Camunda.

 integration    Distributed Systems    workflow automation  
Bernd Ruecker Bernd Ruecker

Throughout my 15+ years in software development, I have helped automating highly scalable core workflows at global companies including T-Mobile, Lufthansa and Zalando. I have contributed to various open source workflow engines. I am co-founder and developer advocate of Camunda. I co-authored "Real-Life BPMN,", regularly speak at conferences and write for various magazines. I am currently focused on new workflow automation paradigms that fit into modern architectures around distributed systems, microservices, domain-driven design, event-driven architect