AAL-6532 GraphQL - when REST API is not enough - lessons learned | Devoxx

GraphQL - when REST API is not enough - lessons learned


architecture Architecture

Room 2

Wednesday from 3:10 PM til 4:00 PM

We all know the REST architectural style to define a good API for your applications. However, REST has its disadvantages and constraints. That’s why Facebook developed GraphQL as an alternative.

In my talk, I will present you some REST constraints and how GraphQL solves them. I will talk about how we implemented GraphQL in our application and why.

Get to know our successes… and failures from the first row.

 REST API    graph    Java    Javascript  
Marcin Stachniuk Marcin Stachniuk

I'm a software engineer mainly focused on Java and JVM technologies. I write Clean Code usually using TDD. I appreciate Agile methodologies (because they work), automation of everything and NoSQL solutions. I was a reviewer of the book practicalunittesting.com and organiser of chamberconf.pl. Currently I'm a leader of Wrocław Java User Group wroclaw.jug.pl. I'm a speaker at technical conferences: mstachniuk.github.io/talks, trainer in coding bootcamps and Open Source contributor: shipkit.org. I’m working at Collibra.

In my free time I ride snowboard, splitboard, wakeboard and sometimes skateboard. I also enjoy biking, hip-hop music, traveling and winter swimming.